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Revision History

Revision IDModified entitiesNoteDate
I've used my own knowledge of the book. I've created a new work for this novel.Bhawin
2017-12-02 04:34:58
Edited the name of the book from Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian to The Last OlympianBhawin
2017-12-01 14:16:09
Ive added his area tooBhawin
2017-11-30 15:59:33
I am the first one to include this particular book in the database. I've used my knowledge to fill the blanks. Bhawin
2017-11-30 15:13:29
I've read almost each and every book he has written. He usually writes mythological books. I've used Wikepedia for his birthdayBhawin
2017-11-30 15:03:03