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I used wikipedia, Goodreads and Google as my source of Information!
2017-12-30 01:57:22
The Power of Positive Thinking is a self-help book by Norman Vincent Peale, originally published in 1952. It proposes the method of "Positive Thinking". It basically aims at ensuring that the reader achieves a permanent constructive and optimistic attitude through constant positive influence of his conscious thought (e.g. by using affirmations or visualizations) and consequently achieves a higher satisfaction and quality of life. While early contributors in the positive thinking movement had built on theoretical justifications (like Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Ralph Waldo Trine, Prentice Mulford), The Power of Positive Thinking made more use of positive case histories and practical instructions. This is what Norman wrote in his stories! The source of information is wikipedia!
2017-12-28 12:13:25
So the inspirational book - The Power of Positive Thinking is written by Norman Peale. He wrote this story as a noval!
2017-12-28 11:19:59