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Revision #5207

+ NewEditionGreat Indians

Great Indians
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Great Indians
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Created by SwarupKharul, 2017-12-09 16:04:56

Revision Notes

This book contains the biographies of 6 mportant Indian persons who shaped the history of India. The list is not exhaustive because India is a very vast country and during the period of twenty five centuries there were many personalities who nfluenced the Indian people However the list chosen will help the reader to understand the religious. political, social and revolutionary fields where these persons shined Students will find these people working with selfless devotion to cause, giving their utmost for theirentire life to lead the countrymen towards a better future. The readers, especially students will find the book useful to prepare fordebatingcompetition.extempore speech, for answenng questions in interview and also to write short sketches of important leaders in examinations. It is not sufficient to know the details of a leader's life. A student should be able to think in English when required. This book will be helpful forthat purpose l feel thankful to Vidya Bharti proprietor Ravi Joshi and his family for publishing this book, The staff members have also taken pains to complete thebook in a short time It is sincerely hoped that the book will be welcome by readers.

— SwarupKharul, 2017-12-09 16:04:56