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Revision #29933

+ NewPublisherTest publisher

Test publisher
Default Alias
Test publisher
Publisher Type
Relationship: Publisher Series
number: 3
position: null

SeriesThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Relationship : Publisher Series
number: 3
position: null

Created by Monkey, 2021-08-31 12:53:05

Revision Notes

Testing creating new Publisher with a relationship to a Work Series. Sensing some issue there where a user can add an entity of the wrong type to a series

— Monkey, 2021-08-31 12:53:05

Adding a Publisher to a series of type Work is indeed allowed, and shouldn't. On the plus side, having a publisher in the middle of those works does not break the Series page; the link to the publisher however will have /work/… instead of /publisher/… and won't work.

— Monkey, 2021-08-31 12:54:56