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#6207vansh 1120
Beware the creatures of the night—They have lawyers! Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd have an unusual law practice: defending monsters and the supernaturally afflicted! A Vampire in Hollywood is volume 7 in this ongoing graphic novel series that mixes humor, horror, and the law to produce a unique and fun reading experience. The previous volumes collect issues 1-40 and the spinoff series Mavis 1-4. This volume collects Supernatural Law issues 41-45 and Mavis 5.“The Works Speak for Themselves” First Amendment issues come to the fore in an unusual way as Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd are called in when works of art begin to talk, make chit-chat, and sound off! This special free speech issue was also used as a fund-raiser for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. This issue also marks the first appearance of Desmond, the new receptionist.vansh 1120
2017-12-15 10:12:03