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The inspirational book, The Power of Positive Thinking written by Norman Vincent Peale was first published in 1952 by Simon & Schuster! It proposes the method of "Positive Thinking". It basically aims at ensuring that the reader achieves a permanent constructive and optimistic attitude through constant positive influence of his conscious thought (e.g. by using affirmations or visualizations) and consequently achieves a higher satisfaction and quality of life. This information was taken from wikipedia and google . saurabhbansal0412
2017-12-30 01:55:35
Written by Norman Vincent Peale, this book proposes the method of "Positive Thinking"! It was the New York times best seller for 185-186 consecutive weeks or so! According to the publisher, 5 million copies of this book is sold and translated into 15 languages! I got to know about this book from Google, Goodreads! The main source i used to take out this information is Wikipedia! saurabhbansal0412
2017-12-28 10:12:58